Marine Science

Characteristics A Learner Needs To Excel In This Subject:

  • Passionate about the ocean.
  • High level of curiosity
  • Open-minded approach
  • Committed and responsible
  • Diligent and hardworking
  • Sustainable mindset

Possible Career Options:

  • Marine Biologist
  • Marine Geologist
  • Nature Conservationist
  • Environmental Educator
  • Coastal Zone Manager
  • Marine-Tourism
  • Marine and Coastal Engineer
  • Aquaculturist
Pair of compasses for navigation on a sea map
Marine Sciences is an inter-disciplinary subject designed to educate learners with an interest in the ocean. it builds connection between the realms of water, sediments, rocks and air, living organisms that inhabit the ocean and human engagements with all these.
It draws attention to ocean ecosystem and their sensitivity to human activity and resource use. This subject will equip learners with a thorough understanding to think about ways to conserve and sustain the ocean for the future.

Educators of This Subject

A Mallum

Lawhill Educator