Code of Conduct

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Code of Conduct

Simon's School Code of Conduct


The Code of Conduct for any school is an important tool that provides guidance on how learners should behave while at school. It is important to note that discipline forms the basis of learning and remains an ongoing commitment for all shareholders in the school environment. Parents/guardians/caregivers play a crucial role in the discipline of their children while the school aims to guide learners during their educational journey.

An ever-changing society demands that schools remain committed to ensuring that the Code of Conduct is inclusive, within reason, and responds to any contextual advancements within the country. The Code of Conduct is a document designed to be fair for all learners while ensuring that everyone behaves in a way that maintains safety at all times.

Code of Conduct & Disciplinary System along with relevant annexures:

1.1 Learners shall attend school for the whole of the prescribed school hours. A learner may not be absent from a class or leave the school premises during school hours without written permission from the Principal, Deputy Principal or Grade Head. Learners also need a letter of permission from parents with a telephone number on it.

1.2 In cases of absence, the parents / guardians shall furnish the class/register teacher with the reason in writing on the day of return but, whenever possible, advance notice should be given.

1.3 Absence during examinations, control tests and class tests will only be accepted if the reason is supported by any of the `Valid reason or a medical certificate for absence, page 10 of Policy on Learner Attendance.

1.4.1 Should a learner arrive late for school; he/she must report to the Admin staff member on duty before going to class. Learners who arrive late for school/class should issue the relevant educator with the late slip. If a learner is late for more than 2 days in the week without a valid reason, punitive action will be taken.

1.4.2 Learners who are habitually late will receive detention on the same day that they are late. Any learner who arrives after 8:15 am is late.

1.5.1 Should a learner be given permission to leave school early, he/she must report to the main office to be signed out before leaving. Should the learner return later that day, the main office must be informed so that the learner can be signed in again and get a signed slip of paper.

1.5.2 Relevant subject educators must be informed of early departures.

1.6 Grade 8 to 12 learners are to line-up promptly at 08:00 for 8:05 in the quad on Fridays for lines. (Weather permitting)

2.1 Learners should be polite and helpful to adults and fellow learners at all times. Greet all guests and offer assistance. Insolence toward any staff member will not be tolerated. Any form of abuse or sexual harassment will not be tolerated.

2.2. While a learner is under the school’s supervision, he/she may not harm or endanger the physical well-being of a fellow learner and may not be in possession of weapons, dangerous toys or materials that can cause physical injury. Any form of abuse towards the educators by learners will not be tolerated.

2.3. No learner may smoke, be in possession of, sell or peddle cigarettes, drugs, lighters, matches, alcoholic drink or pornographic literature or carry them for anyone else, when in school uniform or under the jurisdiction of the school. No learner may be in the company of another learner under the above mentioned circumstances. The school has a right to perform random drug test on leaners and may also request blood test results at the cost of the parent or guardian

2.4. No learner may come to school with evidence of having used alcohol or other illegal substances.

2.5. No learners are allowed motorised vehicles on the school grounds. Skateboards are not allowed on the school premises.

2.6. No vandalism, damaging or defacing school property will be tolerated. Parents will be held liable for costs of the aforementioned. School property, e.g. data projectors, intercoms, computers etc. may not be interfered with in any way.

2.7.1. Learners are to behave in a respectful and dignified manner in the classroom, on the playground, on buses, on taxis, and trains and must obey instructions of educators, monitors and conductors. Primary school learners must enter the bus before the high school learners after school. Any primary or high school learner who arrives late for the bus will be placed last when boarding the bus. All learners are expected to line up in an orderly manner before entering the bus.

2.7.2 .Student teachers, invigilators and visitors have to be treated with the utmost respect.

2.8 Hitch-hiking is forbidden in school uniform.

2.9 Learners should not abuse social media, e.g. Facebook, twitter, etc. No defamatory or derogatory comments are to be made against any learners or staff members on social media. No cyber bullying.

2.10 No inappropriate contact is allowed between learners on school property, in school uniform or when representing the school. No fraternization between learners will be tolerated.

2.11 No inappropriate touching is allowed by learners when coming into contact with educators.

2.12 Gangsterism and gangs are not allowed. Gang-related activity is forbidden on or around the school premises.

2.13 Foul or abusive language will not be tolerated by learners or educators.


2.14 Learners in boarding will be the referred to the DC should they be found guilty after three infringements at the boarding house.


2.15 All offences of serious nature or criminal offences will be handed over to the authorities.

3.1. The official school uniform (which includes the school tracksuit) should be worn at all times. Primary school PT uniform should be worn during the PT period. No mixing of PT clothing with school clothes. School blazers are compulsory for school events.

3.2 Uniforms must fit properly and be clean. School skirts may not rise further than 6cm above the knee(about four fingers). Any deviations must be reported by parents / guardians, in writing, to the Grade Head.

3.3 All articles of uniform must be clearly marked.

3.4 The top button of the shirt must be done up at all times when a tie is worn.

3.5 The knot of the tie must cover the top button of the shirt and the length should reach the naval.

3.6 Vests or T-shirts with advertisements or logos may not show through school shirts. Only white vests or sweaters may be worn under the school shirt.

3.7 Shirts must be plain white without any company logo and may have a small school badge on the pocket. Boys and girl’s shirts must be tucked in at all times.

3.8 Hair must, at all times, be clean and neat.

3.9 Hair styles should be of such a nature that they do not attract undue attention to the individual.

3.10 Boys’ hair should be reasonably short. It may not cover any part of the ear or touch the collar. The fringe must be above the eyebrows. No bleaching / dying of hair is allowed. Braiding is allowed but hair must still be short. No hair jewelry Boys must be cleanly shaven. No beards or moustaches are allowed. The lowest limit for sideburns is the middle of the ear

3.11 Girls’ hair must be clipped away from the face and hair of shoulder length or longer must be tied back. Black, white, red and navy blue narrow accessories may be worn. Only one colour may be worn at a time. Braiding is allowed, however, the colour of the braid should be close to the natural hair colour. Bleaching and dying of hair is not allowed. No hair jewellery.

3.12 No jewellery or any other form of visible adornment may be worn. Exceptions are: wristwatches, medic-alert bracelets and badges issued by the school. Girls may wear earrings but these may be one pair of plain gold or silver studs, sleepers, one per ear. Earrings must only be placed in the earlobes. No facial piercing.

3.13 Nails must be kept short and clean and free from coloured nail polish or henna. No clear nail polish. No false eyelashes or nails.

3.14 No make-up may be worn by learners, e.g. eye-liner, lipstick, etc.

3.15 No tattoos.

3.16 Only regular black school shoes are allowed with white socks for girls and grey socks for boys.

3.17 No “hoodies” may be worn. Only the official navy blue school “hoodie” and beanies are allowed during Winter only.

3.18 Pants (boys) are to be pulled up. No inappropriate buckles may be worn. No tailored skinny pants. No pants are to be worn below the waistline.

3.19 The official school sports uniform is described in the document dealing with uniform requirements.

3.20 A school tracksuit is compulsory for all learners.

3.21 Learners may deviate from the school uniform for religious purposes, however, permission will only be granted should a valid reason be forwarded to the school by the parent/guardian and must be signed off on by the Grade Head

4.1 All learners must participate in the educational programme as prescribed by the controlling Education Department, unless exemption has been granted by the Department.

4.2 All learners are required to participate in extra-mural activities for the school, one winter activity and one summer activity.

4.3 Exemption from physical education requires the production of a medical certificate.

4.4 When learners have voluntarily joined an extra mural activity, they shall fulfill obligations and carry out their responsibilities in that connection unless granted exemption by the relevant authority.

4.5 Extra classes are compulsory as indicated by the educator.

4.1 All learners must participate in the educational programme as pre

The following areas are out of bounds to learners:


5.1 Prefabs, behind the LST room /Geography classroom and outside the gym.


5.2 Behind the Technology classroom.


5.3 Classrooms (before and after school, during breaks). Should a learner be outside of the classroom during official class time, they would require a hall pass. Learners are only allowed to be in the corridors during break times if it is raining.


5.4 Staffroom and kitchen area. Workers’ room and duplication room.


5.5 Parking area around the hall and SAMTRA.


5.6 Drive-in Main entrance gate and parking area.


5.7 No ball playing in quad tarred areas, corridors and classrooms. No cricket balls on the bottom field unless supervised.


5.8 No loitering around bus stop.


5.9 Primary Section for High School learners and vice-versa.


5.10 The stairs and passages on the Primary side for High School (except to the toilet for Grade 8 to 12 boys) and vice-versa for Primary School learners.


5.11 The passage between the double glass doors in the front of the general office section, unless learners are visiting the office.


5.12 The hall, gymnasium and unless permission has been granted. No one is allowed unless accompanied by an educator.


5.13 All motor cars.


5.14 The tuck shop during class times.


5.15 The garden area and the area behind the gym as well as the area surrounding the computer laboratory building and library during breaks.

5.16 The hostel for non- boarders only.


5.17 The boys in the girls’ toilets and the girls in the boys’ toilets.

scribed by the controlling Education Department, unless exemption has been granted by the Department.

4.2 All learners are required to participate in extra-mural activities for the school, one winter activity and one summer activity.

4.3 Exemption from physical education requires the production of a medical certificate.

4.4 When learners have voluntarily joined an extra mural activity, they shall fulfill obligations and carry out their responsibilities in that connection unless granted exemption by the relevant authority.

4.5 Extra classes are compulsory as indicated by the educator.

6.1 Learners may not chew gum at school nor eat or drink in the classrooms or passages at any time. No lollipops are allowed.

6.2 On arriving at a classroom, learners are expected to line up and wait quietly in single file in the corridor.

6.3 If an educator has not arrived at a classroom within 5 minutes of the bell, the RCL representative must report to the Secretary’s office while the rest of the class waits quietly.

6.4 Learners may not run in the buildings-learners are expected to walk.

6.5 When moving to and from classes, learners must walk quietly, in an orderly fashion, on the left-hand side of the corridor, along the shortest possible route.

6.6 Between periods learners are not permitted to go to the bathrooms, read notices, stop and chat or make telephone calls, unless permission has been granted for emergencies.

6.7 Learners are to queue in single file while waiting at the tuck shop or for buses and taxis.

6.8 Learners are to use the rubbish bins provided for all rubbish.

6.9 Any visitors wishing to see learners or educators on the premises must report to the main office. Permission must be obtained from the Principal or the Deputy Principal. Visits may only take place in the foyer at the main office. No visitor may attend classes with a learner unless authorised by the Principal or Deputy Principal.

6.10 Rucksacks are permitted. No “tippex” or graffiti of any kind will be permitted on the rucksack. The learners’ names must be clearly indicated.

6.11 Under normal circumstances, learners may only request to see an educator at the start of break.

6.12 Learners, with a letter from an educator, may only use the sick room.

6.13 No boom/music box or speakers allowed on the premises or at the bus stop/taxi area.

6.14 No learners will be permitted to charge any electronic devices at school.

6.15 No learners may utilize the fixed classroom projector or any educator’s laptop without permission.

6.16 No staff should be expected to reimburse learners for the loss of travel fare.

6.17 The school tuck-shop is to be utilized by learners during school time, with the exception of official fund – raisers, e.g. market days.

6.18 Learners are responsible for the loss and damage of text books that have been issued to them. Lost or damaged textbooks will be issued with an invoice for the Parents to pay.