Lawhill Maritime

About Lawhill Maritime Centre

By providing students aged approximately 15 to 17 with specialised knowledge and skills in their last three years of secondary schooling (Grades 10 to 12), the Lawhill Maritime Centre at Simon’s Town School has, since 1995, made it possible for hundreds of young South Africans to embark on successful careers in the maritime and other industries.

Find out more about our programme and our track record of success by reading/subscribing to our newsletters & YouTube Channel!

The hundreds of young South Africans who, upon leaving the maritime programme, have gone on to pursue successful careers because of the specialist education they received at the STS Lawhill Maritime Centre, is proof of the effectiveness of our programme in helping to reduce the high levels of youth poverty and unemployment in South Africa.

If you are currently in Grade 9, you can apply to join our programme in your Grade 10 year ...Please note closing dates
Most of our students begin the Maritime Studies course with little background of the maritime industry – some may not even have seen the sea or a ship at close quarters – and, after our three year programme, they emerge with a range of knowledge and skills that makes them immediately employable in the shipping industry.


Educational Growth


All Grade 10, 11 and 12 Maritime Economics and Nautical Science textbook content and videos can be found on Cellular providers MTN and Telkom have zero rated this website so you can view the content and watch videos without incurring any data costs. Do however ensure that you have your data switched on if you are viewing this from a mobile phone.


Wholly-funded by the maritime industry, the STS Lawhill Maritime Centre has won several awards since it was founded, as a pilot programme, in 1995. We have also received the Seatrade Africa, Middle East and India Education and Training Award (Dubai in October 2018) and recent awards include the SAIMI IMBOKODO ”Best Mentor” in 2022 and “SHEro” Award in 2023.

Past awards include the Lloyds List ‘Salute to Youth and Training’ award (1999) and more recently, the international Seatrade ‘Investment in People’ Award (2012), a Platinum Award from the Impumelelo Social Innovation Centre (2013) and the Maritime Review Newsmaker of the Year Award (2017).  In 2022,  Debbie Owen, our Programme Head, received a prestigious Imbokodo Award for “Best Mentor” in the maritime industry.


Bursary Funders + Sponsors: Please download a copy of our latest FAQ for details on fees, how we select students and other information which may be useful to you, particularly if you are considering funding a student in our programme.