
Characteristics A Learner Needs To Excel In This Subject:

  • A passion for the environment
  • Visual literacy
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Solution driven
  • Literacy skills and accuracy.

Possible Career Options:

  • Cartographer
  • Climatologist
  • Conservation Officer
  • Urban Planner
  • Geographic Information Systems Specialist
  • Remote Sensing Analyst
  • Transportation Manager
  • Water Resource Specialist
  • Hydrographee
  • Economic Developer
Little boy finds Ukraine on the map
Geography is a fun and interactive subject. It encompasses the study of places and the relationship between people and their environment. As a Geographer, you’re able to explore both the physical properties of the Earth’s Surface and the human Societies spread across it.
We examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment, and the way locations and places have an Impact on people. As a Geographer we seek to understand where things are found, why they are there and how they develop and change over time.

Educators of This Subject

A Mallum

Lawhill Educator

J Cronje

High School Educator